2002-2007 subaru impreza 2.0 & 2.5L blower motor options:
2312014 & 2312238 and Resistor options: 1712798 & 1712425
gpd offers two blower motor resistor options for 2002-2007 Subaru Impreza 2.0 and 2.5L models depending on whether the system has automatic temp/climate control or not. Refer to gpd Tech Tip #112 for more information on manual vs. automatic climate controls.
- gpd blower motor 2312014 only uses 1712798 blower motor resistors as it is manual A/C controls. gpd blower motor 2312238 only uses 1712425 blower motor resistors as it is automatic climate controls.
- Pigtail applies to all applications above.
1712189 • Blower Motor Resistor Pigtail
with 4 Terminal (only use 3 terminals)
with 4 Terminal (only use 3 terminals)
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