2010-2014 Ford Mustang Blower Motor Resistor Options: 1712398 and 1712040
Sometimes vehicle components are updated in the process of introducing a new model. gpd offers two blower motor resistor options for the 2010-2014 Ford Mustang models listed below depending on whether the vehicle has automatic or manual A/C controls. These blower motor resistor options have different internal electronics and do not interchange.
How to identify which blower motor resistor option is correct?
How to identify which blower motor resistor option is correct?
- Determine if the vehicle has manual or automatic climate control (Refer to gpd Tech Tip #112 for a depiction of manual vs. automatic climate controls).
- Look under the passenger’s side of the vehicle where the blower motor is located, pointing downward toward the floor.
- The blower motor resistor will be located beside the blower motor, towards the kick panel.

gpd_tech_tip_179-blower_motor-resistor-ford_mustang-1712398-1712040-replacement_options.pdf |